Parents & Teachers - Fire Safety Around the Home

Mind your Candles

  • If you have candles burning in a room with children, make sure they aren't playing anywhere near them.

    If the kids start roughhousing or playing with a toy that is thrown, rolled, or is self-propelled, extinguish the candles or remove them from the room immediately.

  • If you are going to keep candles burning with a young child in the room, make sure they understand the fire safety rules that go along with it: The 'no kid zone', that they must be very careful not to bump the candle or the surface upon which it rests, and to remind grown-ups to extinguish it before they leave the room.

  • Never leave a child alone in a room with a burning candle.

    If you need to leave the room, extinguish the candle first.

  • Never leave a candle completely unattended.

    Unattended candles are one of the leading causes of household fires.

  • Always make sure that candles are never within 1 foot (30cm) of anything that can burn, such as wallpaper, drapes, or table clutter.

  • Always place candles on solid surfaces, away from edges, using sturdy candle holders.

    Accidents happen (especially with children), and you want to make sure your candle can't be knocked over if the table is bumped.

  • Show your kids how to properly extinguish a candle, using either a long-handled bell snuffer or a soft, directed breath.

    Make sure they know that, if they blow too hard, they'll splash wax that is hot enough to burn skin and damage furniture.